Thursday, December 8, 2016

For Monday 12/12

1. Read Chapters 16-20
2. Complete the Book Recommendation form
3. Study for your vocab quiz (this crossword may help)

* remember, you don't have to do the worksheet for homework - we will do that in class on Monday.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday, 12/6

Today in class we finished up our one-on-one conferences. Students checked their vocabulary worksheets for correct answers and also worked on writing a paragraph on a character using the PIE method.

HW - read chapters 11-16; make flashcards for your vocabulary sheets.

Here is a master vocab list (note it does include Chapters 12-15 which has not been assigned yet)

Friday, December 2, 2016

Weekend Homework

In Class today we went over Direct and Indirect Characterization and how we, as readers, are to infer attributes of characters by what they say, do, think and others' reactions to them. You then filled out a character chart that had you find text that supported what you inferred.

We also met individually (about 1/2 the class) about your in class essay and writing so far in English 7. You should all be so proud! Keep up the good work!

For homework:
1. Finish reading up through Chapter 10 in Chains.
2. Complete the character chart if you didn't finish in class
3. Vocabulary for chapters 1-5
4. (optional) Learning about roman numerals.